
I’m so down right now. I feel like I hope this eating disorder kills me soon. I no longer care. If I had no fear of death, I’d off myself right now. But I’m a coward so I can just hope ed does it for me. How pathetic.


I never thought I’d get this big! I’m such a failure. Somehow I went from 89 lb anorexic to 204lb compulsive binge eater and the meds that are helping with my mood are increasing my hunger even more. I’m feeling very triggered by my weight right now. I have got to get a grip and lose a shit ton of weight. Watch as if all….. Slowly but surely.

Hw- 204

Cw- 204

Lw was 89.6

A million mini goal weights in between..

Ugw is 84



Sadness engulfs me

Strangles me

Unravels me

When will it end?

I pray

God free me from this pit of despair

Help me see

The lesson in this 

That there must be

It must go!

And yet it doesn’t.

I’m doing something wrong?

I’m doing everything I’m supposed to so don’t go there

I’m drowning

I can’t breathe 

I need you God 

I know your there


Please hear my cries

God and people

I am blessed

And I am grateful

I am hurting though too

And I need you.

Kat williams

You don’t know me at all

Self pity? For attention? Really people!? You have no clue. How dare you pigeonhole me! I’m so through with this shit. And, for the record, you cannot tell how someone is doing because of what you see. Ask if you want to know or say nothing. Its that simple. Really


There’s just too much. Please, God, no more. 

Thank you that I have somewhere I can go to regroup. My mind is spinning in so many directions. I can’t think clear. I lose time. I to things and forget. I’m here but I’m not. Its as if I’m out of my body and floating aimlessly God knows where. 

I pray love, peace and healing all around. 

I feel lost. My soul wanders. 

My prayer. My heart

My prayer is to be used by God to spread His hope, love and healing to the broken. I pray to be completely healed myself , not for selfish reasons, but so I can reflect Him to others. I know He is working in mine and others lives. My heart goes out to those who do not yet know Him and His love for them. I pray against the spirit of addiction, the spirit of doubt, the spirit of hopelessness and depression in Jesus name. Please use me Lord for your glory. I love you, God, with all that is within me. Thank you Lord. In Jesus precious name. Amen